General Pay Information
PSA Conference 2024 - financial session
At the 2024 conference of the PSA, independent financial adviser Michael Hawthorne of Amber River True Bearing gave an input to delegates. This can be viewed here.
The Police Pay Process
The Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) provides independent advice to the government on pay and conditions for police officers who are at or below the rank of chief superintendent. This includes allowances, hours of duty, leave, and related matters.
We make an annual submission to the PRRB on behalf of our members, informed by the results of our consultations and surveys.
The PRRB reviews our submission, and those of other stakeholders, then advises the Government on a course of action.
What is the PRRB?
The PRRB was set up in 2014, replacing the Police Negotiating Board and is independently chaired.
The PRRB reviews our submission, and those of other stakeholders, then advises the Government on a course of action.
What is the PRRB?
The PRRB was set up in 2014, replacing the Police Negotiating Board and is independently chaired.
How does the process work?
Before making its recommendations to the Government, the PRRB considers evidence from a number of organisations, including the Police Superintendents’ Association, the Police Federation, the National Police Chiefs’ Council, the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners and the Home Office.
Typical key dates for submissions
· February - submission of parties’ written evidence
· March - oral evidence session
· Summer - submission of PRRB Reports to the Prime Minister, Home Secretary and Minister of Justice Northern Ireland
What does the PRRB consider?
The Home Secretary's remit letter to the PRRB requests recommendations on the following matters:
The Home Secretary's remit letter to the PRRB requests recommendations on the following matters:
1. How to apply the pay award for police officers of all ranks, including chief officers, in the context of how it will support overarching NPCC proposals and timetable for a new pay structure.
2. To review the NPCC’s design principles, framework and assumptions for pay reform; and to provide views on the extent to which the views of the staff associations have been considered in the development of the design.
3. To review the NPCC’s detailed project plan and risk register and provide observations on the timescales for implementation, taking into account the requirement for formal consultation with the staff associations and the need to make legislative changes.
4. To review the NPCC’s proposals for progression pay for police apprentices.
5. To review proposals from the NPCC in relation to making payments to the superintendent ranks for undertaking each 24 hour on-call period.
As well as submissions from staff associations, they also have a number of other considerations they must take into account. These include the nature of the job police officers do, the need to recruit, retrain and motivate suitably able and qualified officers and the prohibition on police officers being members of a trade union or withdrawing their labour.
PSA submissions
We did not submit in 2022 following our withdrawal from the PRRB process as a result of continued concerns over its fairness, transparency and independence.
Read our 2023 submission here.
2. To review the NPCC’s design principles, framework and assumptions for pay reform; and to provide views on the extent to which the views of the staff associations have been considered in the development of the design.
3. To review the NPCC’s detailed project plan and risk register and provide observations on the timescales for implementation, taking into account the requirement for formal consultation with the staff associations and the need to make legislative changes.
4. To review the NPCC’s proposals for progression pay for police apprentices.
5. To review proposals from the NPCC in relation to making payments to the superintendent ranks for undertaking each 24 hour on-call period.
As well as submissions from staff associations, they also have a number of other considerations they must take into account. These include the nature of the job police officers do, the need to recruit, retrain and motivate suitably able and qualified officers and the prohibition on police officers being members of a trade union or withdrawing their labour.
PSA submissions
We did not submit in 2022 following our withdrawal from the PRRB process as a result of continued concerns over its fairness, transparency and independence.
Read our 2023 submission here.

PAY NEWS: NOV 2020: PAY REFORM: National Reward Team – Employer led consultation
Nov 2020: PAY REFORM: National Reward Team – Employer led consultation
In November 2020, the National Reward Team (NRT), led by CC Matt Jukes, published a consultation paper updating Chief Constables on the delivery of pay reform. It summarises progress on delivering the first phase, and sets out proposals for delivering the second and final phase by March 2022.
The paper is divided into five further sections, with survey questions accompanying each section:
- linking progression to performance through the Pay Progression Standard (paras 2.1 – 2.15)
- a proposed approach to using the benchmarking and P Factor work to address pay recommendations to the PRRB (paras 3.1 – 3.8)
- an assessment and prioritisation of a range of other pay and related conditions (paras 4.1 – 4.16)
- an assessment of the financial planning forces have made for the next three financial years (para 5.1)
- next steps and conclusions (6.1 – 6.7)
The paper can be viewed here.
On 12th November 2020, the PSA and PFEW submitted a joint response to the consultation paper, which can be viewed here.

Formal amendment to regulations
Please find below copies of amendments to Annex F, U and I
2024 04 17 Annex U TVP Amendment
2024 04 17 Annex F Amendment
2022 12 06 Annex I_amendment.pdf
2024 04 17 Annex U TVP Amendment
2024 04 17 Annex F Amendment
2022 12 06 Annex I_amendment.pdf