Police Superintendents Logo

A number of third party providers offer preferential or discounted services to members of the Police Superintendents’ Association.   The third parties listed below are not endorsed by or linked to the association.

Blue Light Card

Discounts and offers for emergency services 
Blue Light Card is the discount service for the Emergency Services. With the support of over 8,000 regional and national partners, it rewards the hard work and commitment of members of the Police Service by offering a selection of online and in-store discounts.

It’s home to many official discounts from large national retailers and has a wide range of offers from categories such as holidays, cars, days out, fashion, gifts, insurance, phones and many more.

Blue light Card is delighted to be working with the Police Superintendents’ Association and is giving members access to a Blue Light card that is valid for five years completely free of charge.

To access your promotional code all you need to do is email [email protected]

Once you have your code, follow these instructions to register:

  1. Visit www.bluelightcard.co.uk and click register
  2. Follow the registration process
  3. Click to upgrade to the card
  4. Enter an address in to the fields – can be work or home address
  5. Tick to say that this is a work address
  6. Enter the promotional code into the promotional code box
  7. Complete the registration
Visit www.bluelightcard.co.uk to register and start to benefit from your every day discounts.


Police Clubs Financial

Independent Financial Advisers and Bespoke Mortgage Services
Police Clubs Financial – Bespoke, independent retirement advice

Knowledge, experience and confidentiality – everything you would expect from an adviser when planning your financial future. Police Clubs Financial has been providing independent financial advice to police officers for over 2 decades and have been regular exhibitors at the PSA Annual Conference since 2011. By focussing our expertise and working closely with our clients, we have developed in-depth, specialist knowledge of the financial issues facing senior police officers. 

We can tailor a presentation to address the main areas of concern on a force by force basis however our experience is that a no obligation, individual consultation is often the most straightforward way to explore an officers circumstances and to discuss our services in more detail.

To arrange an initial consultation please contact [email protected]

Police Clubs Financial – Free, independent mortgage advice for PSA members

Each year we help many officers across the UK find the most cost-effective and appropriate mortgage deal for their individual financial circumstances, so you’ll find us knowledgeable, approachable and friendly to deal with. Having a mortgage is a huge responsibility. It brings with it a need to take a longer-term view of your finances, and think about what might happen if unforeseen events were to occur. This is where life assurance can play a major role in securing your financial future and forms an important part of the mortgage advice process.

So if you’re looking for a mortgage, or want to review your current deal, or need advice on your protection arrangements please do not hesitate to contact us

To arrange an initial consultation please contact [email protected]


Police Clubs Financial is a trading style of McAuley Financial Limited, which is an appointed representative of 2plan Wealth Management Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)


Reflect Financial

Financial management
Pre-Retirement Seminar Programme 2025

Helping you plan today, for a future of financial wellbeing.

Welcome to Reflect Financial; a Financial Services Practice with a specialist team catering for the needs of serving and retired police officers. 

Our team has over three decades of experience within the financial services sector. The team is led by Senior Financial Planning Consultant Philip Pearson and Tim Jackson QPM (retired Chief Superintendent and former National Secretary of the PSA).

Our insightful Pre-Retirement Seminars, which spouses/partners are welcome to attend, cover key topics including:

·        Managing Your Finances (fundamentals of financial planning)
·        Developing a Financial Plan (including investment strategy and risk)
·        Wills* & Estate Planning (input from specialist Solicitors)
·        Preparing for Retirement (non-financial planning considerations)
·        Personal Taxation (maximising tax-efficiency)
·        Understanding the Police Pension Schemes; the Remedy, and pension-related taxation matters (how and when to optimise your pension)

*The writing of a Will involves the referral to a service that is separate and distinct from those offered by St. James's Place. Wills and Powers of Attorney are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Intended primarily for those members who are within two years of retirement, members with 25 years or more service are also welcome to attend. 

Refreshments and a buffet lunch will be provided at each seminar.

Programme of PSA Pre-Retirement Seminars for 2025:
·        Wednesday 21st May 2025 – Liverpool
The offices of Reflect Financial Limited, Suite 2, 5th Floor, Walker House Exchange Flags, Liverpool L2 3YL (convenient for main line rail and motorway networks)
·        Tuesday 3rd of June 2025 – London
St. James’s Place, 30 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9BQ 
·        Tuesday 1st July 2025 – Virtual Webinar
Once registered your virtual invite will be forwarded to you by the specialist police team. 
·        Wednesday 10th September 2025 – London
St. James’s Place, 30 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9BQ 
·        Thursday 9th October 2025 – Birmingham
The Birmingham Conference & Events Centre (BCEC), Hill Street, Birmingham, B5 4EW (just a minutes walk from Birmingham New Street Station)
·        Tuesday 11th November 2025 – Liverpool
The offices of Reflect Financial Limited, Suite 2, 5th Floor, Walker House Exchange Flags, Liverpool L2 3YL (convenient for main line rail and motorway networks)
·        Wednesday 3rd December 2025 – London
St. James’s Place, 30 Lombard Street, London, EC3V 9BQ 
To register for an upcoming Pre-Retirement Seminar, please click here: https://forms.gle/96RUseV5hdi1HSo49 

To contact the Reflect Financial Police Team for further information, you can email: [email protected] 

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

Reflect Financial Limited is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group's wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group's website www.sjp.co.uk/products.

SJP Approved: 09/12/2024

Police Mutual Foundation

Welfare support
The Police Mutual Foundation supports the welfare of police officers, police staff and their families at a time where in-force funding for health related services is under increasing pressure.

You can learn more about the Police Mutual Foundation here.

Funded by the Police Mutual Group, the Police Mutual Foundation is overseen by the Foundation Advisory Board, which provides guidance, support and insight and is made up of a number of welfare practitioners and key stakeholders from across the Service, including:

• National Police Chiefs Council
• Superintendents Association
• National Association of Retired Police Officers
• Police Federation
Please find below the link to the digital version of the wellbeing toolkit 


Amber River True Bearing Chartered Financial Planners

Chartered Financial Planners
Amber River True Bearing – Chartered Financial Planners
We offer independent financial advice to clients throughout the North West, North East, through to London. Our Financial Advisers have decades of experience in advising clients and passionately believe in face-to-face financial advice. We are extremely proud of our service and the awards we have won, but this isn’t the only reason to choose us. We were awarded the prestigious “Chartered Financial Planners” title by The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) in 2010. Chartered status is an exclusive title only awarded to 15% of all UK IFAs firms, which meet rigorous criteria relating to professionalism and capability.
Amber River True Bearing is directly regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). We provide advice across the whole of the market and we do not sell products; our incentive is getting the best results for our clients. This is achieved through impartial, unrestricted advice that considers every financial solution on the relevant market. 
We pride ourselves on excellent communication with our clients and in 2010 we were the first IFA firm to achieve Investors in People Gold accreditation in recognition of our staff. In 2018 we won ‘GOLD Employer of the Year’ at the Investors in People Awards 2018 for category 50 to 249 employees. We have also held the ‘Best Advisers to Work For’ award for three years running from 2022-2024.
Having been actively involved in the retirement workshops for a number of years, Amber River True Bearing officially launched its own Pre-Retirement Workshops in 2013. Currently we work with Cumbria Constabulary, Lancashire Constabulary, Cheshire Constabulary, and Merseyside Police. Since our launch we support over 60 major employers and deliver over 150 workshops per year to the private and public sectors. Following the delivery of courses to the Chief Police Officer's Staff Association, saw us recommended to other police forces throughout the UK.
We are thrilled to be working with the Police Superintendents Association again this year and are offering webinars and workshops noted below.
Amber River True Bearing - Pre Retirement Workshops will cover:
  • Life Time Allowance and Annual Allowance 
  • Police Pension 
  • Taxation 
  • Financial Planning before and after retirement 
  • Estate Planning 
  • Making Wills 
  • Lasting Powers of Attorney 
  • State Benefits 
  • Managing the change process

If you would be interested in attending one of our Pre-Retirement Workshops please register your interest with [email protected]  or (07545 834030). 

For further information on the company visit https://amberriver.com/offices/amber-river-true-bearing/
The remaining dates for 2025 are:-
·        Tuesday 10th June 2025 – Mottram Hall (Knutsford - Cheshire)
·        Thursday 16th October 2025  – Mottram Hall (Knutsford - Cheshire)
·        Wednesday 10th December 2025 – virtual meeting via MS Teams



Discounts and offers
The PSA has launched a new membership benefits platform which is open to every member, including their families and friends.
The benefits on offer can be found at  https://policesupers.perkjam.com and by purchasing any ‘perk’ via the links on the website, the PSA benefits each time with an amount of commission being paid to the PSA account. 
The commission earned will be paid directly into a new welfare fund which has previously been requested by members to assist members who may need some financial support at a difficult time.  The welfare fund will be independently chaired with a governance board to make decisions on cases submitted.  More details on the welfare fund will be published soon. 
 You can create a login simply by registering on the website. You can also download the Perkjam app to your mobile phone via the app store or google play store.  Please use the platform and help the association, whilst you benefit from the branded offers. The weblink can be shared widely.

Wilson Grange Mortgages

Bespoke Independent Mortgage and Protection Advice for Senior Officers
Willson Grange Mortgages is proud to be working with the Police Superintendents’ Association again this year.
Based on mainland UK, with a head office in the North West of England, we are a team of highly qualified and experienced mortgage and protection advisers offering impartial independent advice to senior members of the Police force.  
Willson Grange Mortgages is also an accredited provider to currently Cheshire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester Police Federations.
Director Ian Ward and his team have developed a strong reputation and a long-standing and trusted professional relationship with the Police Superintendents’ Association (PSA).  They are noted for providing exceptional service, together with a completely confidential, flexible, tailored advice provision to meet senior police officers’ often complex needs.    
Ian has over 35-years experience in financial services, is a former Flight Lieutenant in the RAF Reserve and a qualified gliding instructor, and he was also a Special Constable with Merseyside Police.  Due to his professional and life experiences, he has an acute appreciation and recognition for all police officers, support staff and their families key financial needs. Ian understands the risks and pressures affecting officers day to day, as well as their longer-term needs and plans when retirement looms.

“Everyone has different circumstances, ambitions and areas of concern, so it’s important that we take time to understand each officer’s needs from an individual perspective,” says Ian. 

“Being independent, we’re able to research across the whole of market and come up with a range of suitable options, often with products not available on the high street”.   

“We operate on a national basis, and many senior-ranked officers have found our first-class professional service invaluable, particularly during the current volatile economic climate”
Ian Ward CeMAP CeRER, Director of Willson Grange Mortgages

… “Very impressed with the service from Ian and the team at Willson Grange Mortgages. Everything completed ‘virtually’ and in a timely way. Thank you.” - Supt. JMH – Sussex Constabulary 

… “Exceptional friendly level of service – highly recommended.” - Supt. DJC – Lincolnshire Constabulary 

… “Excellent, and very quick professional service.” - Supt. RDC – West Yorkshire Constabulary 

… “I’ve already recommended Becky [one of the Willson Grange Mortgages team members] to a number of people. Becky went ‘above and beyond’ in her role and was there for me when there were some difficult legal questions from the solicitor’s. Her patience was second to none, particularly when I had two house sales fall through and we had to start the process all over again. Becky’s easy going and friendly nature made a stressful situation very easy. She is a credit to the team and the company.” - Supt. SJS – Lancashire Constabulary 

We know from experience that what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. Simply by talking to you to find out what your current position is, and where you would like it to be, our advisers can help you to build and plan for a more secure future. Did you know, for example, that buying a new home is not the only time you could benefit from mortgage advice? We can advise on whether you might be paying too much for your current mortgage and help you switch even if you are tied in to your existing deal*. Likewise, we can also help find the most competitive offer on a remortgage if your current deal has come to an end. Debt consolidation is also an area where we can offer specialist advice.

* If you feel as though you are ‘locked-in’ to your current mortgage with a penalty payable, we are able to assess whether there’s a cost saving to be made by paying the penalty and by switching your mortgage to an even better deal. 

We’re delighted to offer senior police officers the following benefits: 

IMPARTIAL independent mortgage and protection advice

PERSONAL service from highly qualified and experienced professionals

to the Whole Market together with mortgage providers not available on the high street

Call us for help with: 

·        Residential mortgages
·        Buy to let*
·        Low credit score and complex credit history 
·        Commercial or semi-commercial mortgages* 
·        Protection Insurances 
·        Secured loans
Short-term (bridging) and development finance* 
·        Equity release/lending into retirement 
·        Overseas mortgages** 

*Some lending is not regulated by the FCA.
 **Changes in the exchange rate may increase the sterling equivalent of your debt. 

To arrange a FREE no-obligation consultation, call 0151 625 0011 (Office) or 07912 215660 (Ian Ward) or by emailing:
[email protected]

Your home is at risk if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage or loan secured on it. Think carefully before securing debts on your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. There may be a fee for arranging a mortgage. The precise amount will depend upon your circumstances but we estimate it to be no more than £495.00. Willson Grange Mortgages Limited is authorised & regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Registered in England No. 12159757. Willson Grange Mortgages: 50 Grange Road, West Kirby, Wirral CH48 4EF.


JMW Solicitors

Wills, tax and estate planning & legal services
Here at JMW we recognise that when people need to approach a lawyer it can often be a daunting experience. We have approachable, experienced lawyers who are waiting to assist you and guide you through matters using clear and simple terms. We are here to help for the ordinary issues as well as the extra-ordinary so whether you are moving house, are injured in an accident or just want to make a will – we can guide you through the process. We are ‘full service’ at JMW which means we should be able to help no matter what your query is so if you would like a no obligation conversation with one of our lawyers call us on the dedicated PSA helpline on 0161 838 2862 or email us at [email protected].

PSA employees will receive 15 minutes free legal advice on any legal matter by telephone. In addition JMW offers PSA employees a 10% discount from our normal fees in all legal matters.

See further information here and a price list here.

Keystone Law

Family Law specialists
Hannah Cornish and Sarah Thompson have nearly 40 years’ experience between them advising serving and retired police officers on their family law issues. They train family law solicitors on the complexities of police pensions on divorce and are at the forefront of the legal profession when it comes to advising on public sector pensions on divorce.

Hannah and Sarah have unrivalled experience and knowledge in family law issues experienced by police officers and can guide you through these issues: 

• Divorce 
• Police pensions on divorce 
• Resolution of finances on divorce or separation 
• Disputes involving children, such as residence and contact arrangements, parental alienation 
• Cohabitation disputes 
• Domestic violence 
• Surrogacy and adoption 

They offer an initial free no obligation consultation and a 20% reduction in fees from their usual hourly rates. They also offer fixed fees where appropriate.
To find out more visit www.keystonelaw.co.uk or email [email protected] or [email protected]


Gorton Wealth Management

Pensions advice and financial services 
Dan Gorton, a Partner of St. James’s Place, offers members personal financial advice on their pension arrangements and other financial needs.  Dan has been assisting individual members of the PSA and CPOSA across the UK for a number of years as well as offering seminars to associations in London and the South East.  Dan has been a financial adviser for 15 years and is a Chartered Fellow of the CISI and a Chartered Wealth Manager. 

Contact:           [email protected]

Tel:                   07557 683373

Web:               www.gortonwm.co.uk

​​​​​​Gorton Wealth Management is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products. The ‘St. James's Place Partnership’ and the titles ‘Partner’ and ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives.

SJP Approved 01/06/2023 


Free Whole of Market Mortgage Advice Information

Should I remortgage early? Is now the right time to buy? If you have mortgage questions that need answering, then help is at hand. The Fee-Free Mortgage Advice Service is provided by Tenet Mortgage Solutions Ltd, they can help answer these and other mortgage questions you may have. 

A mortgage is a loan secured against your property, your property may be at risk if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage or any other debt secured on it. You may have to pay an early repayment charge to your existing lender if you remortgage.

PMGI Limited trading as Police Mutual acts as an intermediary for the purposes of introducing its customers to Tenet Mortgage Solutions Limited, part of Tenet. PMGI Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.


No1 CopperPot Credit Union

No1 CopperPot Credit Union are a not-for-profit organisation who offer savings, loans and mortgages exclusively to the Police Family. Savers are rewarded on an annual basis with a share of the organisation’s profits, in the form of a dividend.
No1 CopperPot Credit Union are a not-for-profit organisation who offer savings, loans and mortgages exclusively to the Police Family. Savers are rewarded on an annual basis with a share of the organisation’s profits, in the form of a dividend.
No1 CopperPot’s aims are to:

Encourage people to save
You can save between £5 and £1,000 per month, and deposit lump sums up to £40,000

Provide affordable borrowing options
We offer police specific loan products for a range of purposes, including our Commutation Loan

Provide financial education
As well as the information on the wellbeing area of our website, we can also deliver financial wellbeing inputs to your Officers and Staff.
For more information, visit www.no1copperpot.com