PSA National Secretary Dan Murphy has written on why our annual pay survey is so critical to the work of the association:
Our 2022 pay survey is live, and once again we’re using every communication channel possible to ask you to take part.
We’re a staff association. We represent you. We fight for change on your behalf and your best interests are at the centre of everything we do.
It's impossible for us to carry out our work effectively without a true, detailed understanding of life as an operational superintendent today. Our surveys are the best way for us to quickly canvass your views, and secure the crucial evidence we need.
Last year, we withdrew from the PRRB process, following long-standing concerns about its independence. This year the National Executive Committee approved a decision to return to the process, after the PRRB chair expressed her firm wish that the PSA takes part, and confirmed her commitment to independence. She says she wants to hear the views of the association and its members, and to give them full consideration.
As the only way to formally provide evidence, we are therefore prepared to re-engage with the PRRB in relation to next year’s award.
We have shared our strong concerns over the latest pay award, and have begun legal proceedings over these decision.
Actions such as this, which seek to challenge decisions that we believe are treating police officers unfairly, must also be based on evidence – evidence we need from you.
Basing our challenges on evidence works. It is crucial in supporting our views.
The data and evidence you have provided in recent years have enabled us to secure the following positive changes on your behalf:
The introduction of temporary variable payments
An on-call allowance for superintendents
A memorandum of understanding around mileage and the removal of the requirement to deduct home to work mileage
A memorandum of understanding to determine what is and what is not working time
A change to regulations that enables rest days to be rolled over beyond 12 months
Permission for superintendents to work part-time and flexibly within regulations
Our pay survey also contains questions about issues such as the demand you face and your wellbeing.
Last year’s pay survey, followed by our work and resilience survey, showed the worst picture of morale and wellbeing we have ever recorded. We are not ignoring this, and the data you have provided is the basis of extensive work to support our call for a significantly enhanced, consistent and mandated occupational health provision right across our Service – a call for change we have formally made to the home secretary.
A high response rate to our surveys, which genuinely reflects our members, gives us access to senior level discussions concerning a wide range of issues of importance for superintendents. From training provision to promotion processes, we are being listened to because we are a trusted voice, that relies on hard evidence.
Thank you to everyone who has already completed the survey.
It takes around 20 minutes to complete and will close on the 7th December 2022. Your participation is key in informing our work on your behalf.